10 Items to Always Keep in Your Car

There are certain things to always keep in your car, especially if you are planning to drive for a long, extended distance. Safety is always important when you’re behind the wheel. You obey traffic laws and pay attention to the road. Safety is more than just preventing accidents, though — it’s also about preparing for the unexpected.
What to Keep in Your Car At All Times
You can prepare by investing in business auto insurance and keeping the following ten items in your car.
Business Auto Insurance Proof of Coverage
You must ensure that your business auto insurance is current and
compliant with your state’s requirements. You should also ensure that you have proof of coverage in case you get into an accident or get pulled over.
Nobody ever expects to get stranded, but unfortunately, it happens — and if you’re particularly unlucky, it could happen after dark. Carrying a flashlight in your car is essential to preparing for this possibility.
Jumper Cables
Jumper cables are yet another essential accessory you will need if you get stranded. This device will save the day if a dead battery is the culprit. You can also use jumper cables to help other drivers who might be in a bind.
Flares or Road Cones
It’s common sense to pull off the road if you are experiencing issues with your car. If you have a limited ability to do so, flares or road cones are an effective way to alert other motorists that your vehicle poses a hazard.
Waterproof Tarp
Sometimes, mechanical issues or tire problems will force you to get on your hands and knees to investigate. A waterproof tarp can spare your clothes from getting dirty in the process.
Water and Snacks
The only thing worse than getting stranded for an extended period is going an extended period without water and food. Keep these supplies in your car to ensure you have sustenance.
First Aid Kit
A first aid kit might be the essential supply of all to keep in your car. Ensure your kit includes necessary supplies such as bandages, rubbing alcohol, and medical tape.
Escape Tool
According to statistics, about 400 people die in North America yearly in submerged vehicles. An escape tool can help drivers prevent death in this situation. It can crack windows and cut seatbelts to allow motorists to escape.
Blanket and Gloves
You might not think of hypothermia as a significant risk, but it is if you get stranded in low winter temperatures. You need to keep blankets, gloves, and other warm accessories in your car.
Business Auto Insurance Policy Number
If you’re wondering what you should always have in your car, your business auto insurance policy number is at the top of the list. Your auto insurance is the best protection against liabilities on the road, so it’s essential always to keep your insurance card handy.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Phone: (860) 774-8549
394 Lake Rd
Dayville, CT 06241
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
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Phone: (860) 886-5498
6 Consumers Avenue
Norwich, CT 06360
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Tags: Auto Insurance, Business Auto Insurance, Byrnes Agency