5 Things You’ll Probably Forget to Do When Moving Into a New House

If you’ve taken the plunge and bought your first house this year, congratulations! While you might want to rush in and start enjoying your new place and privacy, there are a few logistics to handle before you can do so.
Moving in comes with inherent headaches, many of which you probably won’t think about until the time comes. Rather than stress out last minute, plan on handling these simple things prior to moving into your new house. More importantly, protect your new investment with a custom-tailored Dayville Home Insurance policy.
Connect internet and utilities.
If you’re moving in now, you’ll probably want to put the heater on in your new place before putting things away—something that will prove challenging if you haven’t yet connected your utilities. Before you move in, call all your local internet and utility providers, give them your move-in date, your address, and ask them to activate services at least a day before to ensure you don’t have to go a day without.
Make a plan for someone to watch pets and children.
The change, people running in and out of your house, and noise can be overwhelming for pets and young children. To keep them out of harm’s way (or prevent them from running out), ask a trusted family member, friend or neighbor to watch them during your moving day.
Notify everyone of your change of address.
According to Real Estate.com, it’s best to do this as early possible, so you don’t have to rely on the new tenants of your old home to forward your mail. Notify the post office immediately of your new address, and then contact businesses and government agencies individually to make sure your mail is going to the correct place. Some good places to start are:
- magazine or box-style subscriptions
- car insurance and registration providers
- your details on the electoral roll
- your bank statements
- your details with all superannuation funds
Get spare keys made.
This is easy to forget, but you’ll need to cut some spare keys for family members and whoever else you trust enough with access to your home. In the haste of moving, you might lose keys. Get a few extras made on or before your moving day as a precaution.
Prioritize your unpacking.
The essentials you’ll need as soon as you move in should be marked on a specific box. For example, toiletries, basic cooking essentials, towels and bed linens should be marked for easy access so you can unwind as soon as the movers leave.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer auto insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you have an old classic car or a brand-new model, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Norwich, CT 06360
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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Tags: Byrnes Agency, connecticut, Home Insurance, moving