Autumn Home Maintenance Checklist: Planning Ahead

Autumn Home Maintenance > Carefully Planning Your Renovations
In this series of blogs, we’ve covered everything from tree care to cleaning gutters to prepare your home for the cold seasons to come. In this final installment, we’ll explain how homeowners can plan ahead to prioritize important projects, ensuring the home is in top shape before the snow arrives. Finally, protect your investment against the coming weather perils with a comprehensive Dayville Home Insurance policy.
Develop a plan.
Maintenance takes time, energy and money. Not everything can be tackled in one day, which is why developing a plan for the biggest items is important.
Once you know what you need to do and how much you want to spend, decide how you’re going to tackle everything. You’ll need to create a timeline and sort out needs from wants on your list, says Improve Net.
Items on your autumn checklist that affect the security and weatherproofing of your home should be completed first. For example, weatherstripping windows and doors is a top concern. This helps to keep warm air in and keep cold air out, reduce electricity costs and minimize wasted energy.
Next, focus on clogged gutters or leaky roofs. These will be huge problems as time goes on, and can lead to more damage and flooding. Take care of these important items first.
If you have a growing to-do list, evaluate your budget and what items can be checked off without breaking the bank. For example, things you can do on your own without hiring someone should be pushed to the top of the list. Next, focus on things that are easy fixes – such as sealing the home, patching a hole, and adding in new insulation.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we strive to provide the best solutions at affordable rates. Our staff is here to assist you as your needs grow and change. Our offerings can be customized to specifically match your requirements. For more information about our products and services, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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