
Fundraising Tips for Your Business

In the world of business, cash is king. If your business runs out of money and lacks access to additional fundraising resources, then it’s time to close up shop. As the founder of a company,...

Winter Driving Tips for Inclement Weather

If you live where snow falls or sleet rains down during the winter, you’ve probably come across some overconfident drivers breezing by you on an icy road. You may have even been that driver at...

Home Inspection Basics for Prospective Homeowners

Just like going to the doctor or taking your car in for a tune-up, home inspections are nerve-racking for prospective homeowners. Preparing for unwanted surprises, high costs, and less-than-expected home value all play a factor...

Customer Service Must-Haves for Retailers

Many different things can influence a shopper’s in-store experience. From products to prices, store environment to sales, customers are easily affected by what’s going on around them. Traditionally, though, the most influential part of a...

Small Business Holiday Marketing Tips

Holiday shopping used to begin the day after Thanksgiving with Black Friday sales attracting consumers to buy TV’s, clothes, and the hottest toys. But in recent years, shopping for the holidays is now an ongoing...

A Helpful Guide to Buying Life Insurance

If you have a family or elderly parents who depend on you for financial support, buying life insurance to provide them with a safety net and stability is a responsible move. It’s also a good...

Post-Holiday Marketing Pitfalls for Retailers to Avoid

December can be "make it or break it" for many retailers for their year-end earnings, especially for those who may not have done well during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. This year's holiday sales...

Avoid These Common Home Woes in Winter

Homes can present a variety of maintenance tasks for their owners regardless of the season. From dusting to yardwork, checking the gutters, to checking the wiring, upkeep is essential for all homeowners. During the chillier...

How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills This Winter

Cold weather means our heaters are running hard to keep us warm—sometimes non-stop—giving us relief from harsh winter days. While the winter season is a much-welcomed break from a longer summer, it can put a...

Addressing CT Rental Property Owner’s Risks

When it comes to investing in sure things, real estate has always been at the top of the list. Real estate can add diversification to your investments and pay off significant dividends over time. What's...

What Insurance Coverages do Bar Owners Require?

Bar owners know the value of having a full bar of customers, getting together to watch the big game, or celebrate the season. Unfortunately, there are some cases where customers pose a potential risk. Whether...

How to Prevent Snowmobile Accidents This Winter

Riding a snowmobile can—and should—be fun for the entire family. But even though it’s a great way to get out in the snow and explore, it can also be dangerous. According to the National Center...

Identifying Common Restaurant Exposures

Restaurant owners run their businesses with a passion for serving time-honored community dishes and tasty cuisine. They invest time, money, and most of their days to operate their restaurant with a built-in risk of closing....

How Can You Fix Frozen Pipes?

With the temperatures finally dropping, now is the perfect time for homeowners to prepare for the potential of frozen pipes. Frozen pipes are not only inconvenient, limiting or completely restricting a house's water supply, but...

How to Winterize Your Connecticut Home

Winter always poses challenges for those who live in the Northeast. From sleet and snow to an ongoing chill that seeps through the cracks, Connecticut homeowners have to prepare and winterize their home for the...

Connecticut Boat Storage Tips

Summer is over, and for those of us who live in colder climates, like the Northeast, it’s almost time to hunker down and prepare our boats and recreation vehicles for winter. So, where do you...