
Summer Safety for Your Condo Association

As a condo association, you want your residents to be safe at all times of the year. But summertime seems to come with its own safety issues as the heat rises and people are outside...

5 Grilling Safety Tips for Summer Barbecues

Summer is here and that means it’s time to crowd around the grill and spend the afternoon barbecuing with friends and family. But before you get the burgers and buns out, it’s important to note...

Your Child is Going to College, Will Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Them?

Summer break has just begun and that means many parents all across the country are in the early stages of preparing to ship off their kids to college for the first time this August. It...

What Do Renters Really Want? How to Make Your Apartment Building Stand Out

According to a Pew Research study, many Americans, especially Millennials (aged 22-38) are holding off on buying homes or investing in real estate and instead are opting to rent houses or apartments longer than the...

What You Should and Should Not Compromise on When Renting

Renters have a lot to think about when they’re looking for a great place to live. When lining up a handful of places to consider calling home there are a number of things to keep...

It’s True: You Can “Spring Clean” Your Business, Too

Even though summer is right around the corner, it’s not too late to get some spring cleaning done inside your business. Business owners can take this concept and transfer them to their company to look...

It’s Hot and Your Business’s Air Conditioner Has Broken: What to Do?

One of the worst things a business can go through during the summer has to do with a broken air conditioner. Businesses need cool air to keep customers and staff happy, and depending on your...

How to Safeguard Your Kitchen Against Accidents and Injuries

The kitchen is known as the nucleus of the house. Whether it’s a studio apartment or large five-bedroom sprawling family house, the kitchen is the hub of whoever’s is living there. It’s not just for...

Celebrate Mother’s Day With These Mom-Approved Home Improvement Projects

Mother’s Day is already here and it’s the perfect time to show Mom you love her in a number of ways. One way you can show some appreciation is by thinking outside the box and...

How to Allergy-Proof Your Business This Spring

Spring is finally here and the summer months are just around the corner, breaking everyone free from the icy clutches of winter. But with beautiful weather and lots of sunshine comes an attack on those...

Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums With These Strategies

Auto insurance is a must for all drivers in the United States, but most people don’t know that the cost of this kind of coverage isn’t fixed. There are many different factors that play a...

How to Introduce Sustainability into Your Business

Organizations across the United States are recognizing the importance of instilling green initiatives in their everyday business operations and in their planning of further business outlook. Major corporations are going eco-friendlier and changing their entire...

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Going “green” and living a more sustainable life has moved beyond being a fad and more of a reality with the push for better emissions and understanding the effects of our collective carbon footprint in...

How to Deal with a Troublesome Tenant

Being a landlord can be a rewarding experience that allows you to practice your business savvy while also being able to flex your interpersonal skills with different people every day. But having a troublesome tenant...

How to Make Yourself the Ideal Tenant

Being a dream tenant can go a long way with landlords who don’t want to deal with the hassle of things like late payments, loud parties, unwanted messes and backing out of a rental agreement....

Excess Liability Insurance Can Help Your Business Out of a Tight Spot

Excess liability insurance provides insurance limits that go above and beyond a business's primary liability policies. When a claim is reported to the insurance company, the first policy to respond is the underlying primary; if...