
Connecticut Wedding Insurance: Going Green Trend

Connecticut Wedding Insurance: Going Green Trend Going green can imply a number of things. You could recycle. Save money on your Connecticut Wedding Insurance. Eat locally sourced food. Start a compost pile to reduce your...

Connecticut Auto Insurance: Beware of Parked Cars

Connecticut Auto Insurance: Beware of Parked Cars It’s a simple equation. Poor driving equals a poor driving record. If you rack up the speeding tickets, negligent accidents, or driving violations, your auto insurance will feel...

Auto Insurance: Apps to Avoid Traffic

Bumper to bumper; gridlocks; horrific accidents; that lock commuters on the highway, sometimes for hours at a time; we are no stranger to traffic jams. America is home to some of the most congested highways...

Connecticut Insurance: Tips for an Easier Family Getaway

Kids complicate things- especially family vacations. Whether you’re going on a weekend road trip or across country, bringing the whole family adds a barrage of stress, responsibility, and added planning to your vacation. Here is...

Connecticut Auto Insurance: Family Friendly Cars of 2012

The first thing that typically comes to mind when you think “family-friendly” is a mini-van overflowing with kids, soccer balls, and hockey sticks. While the influx of kids and sports equipment in your vehicle won’t...

Connecticut Auto Insurance: Top Stolen Cars in Connecticut

The National Insurance Crime Bureau examined vehicle theft data submitted by law enforcement to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). The top vehicle make and models stolen are listed below: (Source MSN) Honda Accord Honda...

Auto Insurance: Connecticut Teen Driving Safety

We recently wrote a post on teen driving and the dangers of driving while texting. It is no secret that teen drivers are one of the riskiest demographics. Teens tend to overestimate their driving abilities...

Auto Insurance: Top Cars for New Connecticut Grads

June is the time for graduation; as you send your proud graduate off to college or the real world, they will need a set of wheels to get them there. Here is a compilation of...

Homeowners Insurance: 7 Ways to Update Your Connecticut Home

Your home is your pride and joy. You’ve worked hard to make it a nest for your family and friends. And as always, you are continually looking to update and improve it- on a budget....

Backseat Driving: Monitor Your Teen, Even When You’re Not in the Car

Your teen turns sixteen- it is inevitable that they get their driver’s license, and you have to let them go, hoping the safe driving habits you’ve instilled in them are enough to keep them safe...

Connecticut Homeowners: Using Pinterest as a Decorating Tool

Yes, Pinterest is adorable and filled with cute puppies, celebrities, and a million outfits that make you want to go online shopping immediately. But how can you harness the creative imagery that Pinterest collects to...

Texting & Driving: Connecticut Teens Distracted

There is the old adage that knowledge is power. So in theory, the more we know about the dangers of texting and driving, the less likely we will be to engage in those risky behaviors,...

Connecticut House-hunting: What Home Style is Right for You

You want to own your own home. House-hunting is a fantastic achievement and exciting time- however, as a home-buyer you need to know exactly what you want, starting with the housing style. Factors such as...

Connecticut Homeowners Insurance: Best Tips to Spring Clean Your Yard

Spring is a great time to alleviate the damage caused during the onslaught of Connecticut winters. Whether you just want to spruce up your yard, or are looking to re-haul it this spring, below are some...

Home Improvement: Notify Your Insurance Company First

According to a study by the Remodeling Futures Program at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, there will be a 5.9% increase in spending on remodeling projects. If you are one of...

Connecticut Insurance: How do Homeowners Hire Contractors?

Choosing a contractor is a crucial decision for homeowners. Whether you are remodeling or building from scratch, you will be working side by side with this individual for weeks, more likely months. It is essential...