Uncooperative weather, venue problems, vendor cancellations; these are all nightmare scenarios for a bride planning her big day. The Wedding Report reported the average wedding spending for 2011 was 25,631; as wedding costs skyrocket, it...
Cadillac has joined Google in the race to develop technology for self-driving cars. General Motors announced that Cadillac will have a “Super Cruise” function in commercial automobiles possibly by 2015, according to Autoblog.com. Using cameras...
Buying your first Connecticut home is a huge milestone and exciting achievement. It is also stressful, financially challenging and time-consuming. Consumerist.com has a list of things to keep in mind when buying a house to...
Spring time means one thing for your high school senior: college admissions letters. As your child chooses the school that’s the best fit for them, you’ll want to make sure they are prepared for their...
It is the eternal conundrum of apartment or condo living. You want to redecorate your space without overcrowding it. Below are some tips on how to get the most out of your condo or apartment....
Before you hit the open road this summer, take a moment and read our tips. From safety tips and fun roadside stops to check out, you’ll get the most out of your road trip, no...
You want your new car to have the latest features, gadget, thingamabobs, and whatzits galore. Top of the line navigation system? Fantastic. Bluetooth capability & drop down video screens? Yes please. There’s just one tiny,...
As the sun comes peeking through the clouds this spring, it sheds some light on all those nooks and crannies we’ve neglected during our winter hibernation. Spring cleaning has come again. In honor of the...
White dress. The vows. A church (or barefoot on the beach if that’s more your style). The first dance. Everyone knows the basic components of a wedding. But lately, the more traditional elements have been...
Tired of breaking down with your 1978 Honda civic? If you are considering buying your first car, Byrnes Agency would like to help you through it. Below is your road map through car-buying process for...
As parents, the scariest moment in our lives is when our children start driving. At 16, your child can obtain a learners permit and you can start treating yourself to relaxing message. As enthusiastic as...
When you purchase a house and obtain a mortgage, Homeowners insurance is a requirement of the loan. In addition to having to buy the coverage, there are several compelling reasons why you should have this...