You depend on lots of foot traffic in your store to meet your revenue goals day in, day out. But one slip or fall can turn things on a dime if a serious injury is sustained. Strong loss prevention and smart insurance buying will help you in the face of potential lawsuits.

General Liability Insurance with the Byrnes Agency
Review Your Coverage, Liability Amounts
Often it’s not until a loss occurs when you unfortunately find out your business doesn’t have enough Liability coverage. That’s why at the Byrnes Agency, we’d like to provide you with the benefit of our eight decades of experience and expertise serving the insurance needs of Connecticut businesses. We’d like to take some time with you to review your company’s General Liability coverage to evaluate whether you’re properly insured.
Assessing Risk
Our expert team will evaluate your potential risks, prior loss history, and the size of your operation to determine the details of your program. We’ll look at how much insurance you have for a single claim on your General Liability policy to assess if coverage is enough to protect your assets.
Our experience has shown us that in many cases there are gaps in coverage or the amount of coverage is not in line with an operation’s exposures. And depending on the type of business you’re in, you may need additional enhancements and coverages to your policy.
You’ve spent years building up your business, it only makes sense to take the time to look at your Liability insurance plan carefully to ensure that you don’t lose all your assets to a single lawsuit.

We’ve been in the insurance business for a long time. Let our staff show you what responsive service and real value are all about. Contact us today! We’re looking forward to it.