Car Buying Guide: 9 Steps to Buying Your First Car

Tired of breaking down with your 1978 Honda civic? If you are considering buying your first car, Byrnes Agency would like to help you through it. Below is your road map through car-buying process for all new car buyers. Follow these nine steps and you’ll be able to maneuver through this overwhelming and daunting process. Once you’re done with the process and cruising around in your new ride, give the Byrnes Agency a call and let us set you up with a properly covered Connecticut auto insurance policy and a great rate.
Step 1: Choose Your Car – As consumers, have an ideal image of an Auto brand. If you haven’t considered the type of car you are need, ask questions like:
- What kind of car do I need?
- How much I can afford?
Step 2: Get Pricing Information – Price is one of the largest determining factors in the cars we buy. Before you head to the dealer be sure to do some research. Most new-car dealerships have sales, incentives & rebates to entice you to make a purchase. You should conduct research not only through the dealer, but through sources like Autobytel,, Kelly Blue Book and other car reviewing sites.
Step 3: Finance Your Car – How do you know if you’re getting the best rate? Here is a simple guide that can help you with deciding whether to Lease or Buy
Step 4: Find Your Car – Stop by local dealerships to see if they have that model in stock. If you can avoid it, try not to order it custom made. By doing so, you can have some room to help you negotiate later on.
Step 5: Test-Drive the Car – Sure you’ve driven a car before, but that doesn’t mean you are looking at the car. This stage is the most important to the Sales person. They want to get you excited so you can blindly make the purchase without weighing your options. Here is a good guide on how to test drive a car.
Step 6: Get Dealer Price Quotes – Call around wherever your model is available and get a quote. Be sure to get quotes around online as well.
Step 7: Trade-In or Sell Your Old Car – this process can now be more lucrative and user-friendly. New improvements have been made that allow for up-front price quotes to guaranteed trade-in values to car-buying consultants who handle the entire transaction via the Web.
Step 8: Negotiate the Deal – This is the most uncomfortable part of the selling process. Edmunds provides a great starters guide to negotiating.
Step 9: Close the Deal – Before saying yes, ask some questions such as:
- What other fees will I be charged?
- How much is your documentation fee?
- Are there any aftermarket parts or alarms on the car?
If you agree with all the terms then say “Yes”. You are the proud owner of a new car.
Now drive it on over to the nearest Byrnes Agency and let us properly insure your auto. You can also give us a call at any of these numbers below.
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