Classic Car Care in Summer: Choosing the Right Cover

Summer Classic Car Maintenance > Choosing a Car Cover
In our previous blog, we explored the basics for maintaining your classic vehicle in summer. While it’s the most opportune time to take your car out and enjoy it, the intense summer heat makes caring for your vehicle a little more tedious. In this article, we’re going into detail about how to choose the right cover that is best suited for your vehicle. Even more importantly, protect your investment with a Windham County Collector Car Insurance policy.
Consider frequency and use.
Depending on how much you drive your collector vehicle, and how you use it, the car cover requirements will vary. If you leave it in your garage and you use it frequently, you can just buy a lightweight cover that is easy to take on and off. If you need to store it at a professional garaged facility, you’ll need a more heavy-duty cover to protect it from rust, moisture, debris, and dust.
Cars that are stored near oceans, especially within a mile of the coast, need a cover that can resist salt damage. For the deep south and the Pacific Northwest, a water-resistant cover is a must, while still allowing the vehicle to breathe. In hot, dry, sunny climates, rain and snow are the last of your worries. What you need here is a blanket of UV protection, says Guide to Detailing.
The last thing to consider is the color of the car cover. While many people might think the color is only a matter of personal preference, the color has a functional purpose. For example, a light-colored cover is meant to outdoor protection whereas a silver one is meant to reflect sunlight.
If your vehicle is light colored but has a bright cover, it could be leaking UV energy. Be mindful about these factors when buying your next collector car cover.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we specialize in providing customizable coverage for your collector cars. We understand the risks involved with your passion and strive to provide comprehensive coverage to secure your investment. For more information, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: collector car insurance ct, Windham County Collector Car Insurance, Windham County Insurance