Common Home Problems That You Can Avoid

Common Home Problems That You Can Avoid
As a homeowner, maintenance and upkeep of the residence rests on your shoulders. If a home does have any major problems, you want to know about them before you purchase the home. As a seller, you want your home to be in the best possible condition. Here are some key problems to look out for.
Common Home Problem #1 – Electrical problems. Bad or outdated wiring that doesn’t meet current electrical codes could cause fires and damage to appliances and electronics.
Common Home Problem #2 – Roof damage. Keep an eye out for any leaks inside the house or aging materials on the outside.
Common Home Problem #3 – Drainage problems. Drainage is usually pretty easy to spot. If there is damage, you will be able to see water damage on basement walls, feel dampness, or even smell mold if there is damage. Sometimes, fixing gutters can rectify the problem, but in extreme cases, the entire property might need to be leveled.
Common Home Problem #4 – Environmental Hazards. Environmental hazards can include everything from lead-based paint, radon gas, drinking water issues, and leaking or damaged heating oil tanks. To assess the environmental hazards, typically a separate environmental inspector will need to be called- home inspectors are often not specialized in assessing environmental risks.
Common Home Problem #5 – Heating system. An dysfunctional heating system can be a danger to the occupants of the home. But, if you do have to replace an aging heating system, it is reasonably minimal in costs, and upgrading to a more sophisticated system can help you save money in your heating bill.
Common Home Problem #6 – Overall condition. As a homeowner, it is essential to maintain upkeep on your house. Overall poor conditions of a house can make it difficult to sell, unappealing to buy, or unpleasant to live in, depending on your situation. Signs of overall decay include broken ceiling fixtures, peeling paint, dead outlets, and broken light fixtures, and pests. Individually, these are not difficult repairs to make, but left over time, it can really cause damage to your home.
Byrnes Agency can help you with everything from determining the preferred amount of personal liability coverage to include in your policy to extended replacement cost coverage to cover the full value of your personal property. Contact us today for more information about out Connecticut homeowners insurance policies.
Source: Construction Trends