Connecticut Home Insurance: How to De-Clutter Your Home for Market
Connecticut Home Insurance: How to De-Clutter Your Home for Market
When you put your home on the market, you want to present your house in the best light possible. De-cluttering your space can make a world of difference. Not only is it visually appealing, but seeing as much as possible of the space allows the buyer to visualize their own needs and wants for a home, and can help you close the deal.
Overall, think less is more when de-cluttering your space. Here are some basic tips from Zillow to get started on your Connecticut Home.
- Bookcases: Bookcases are a great focal point in the room, when well managed. If not, stacks of books stuffed sideways, vertical, teetering out of every nook and cranny gives the impression of pack rat rather than thoughtful intellectual. Remove some of the books so each fits with its spine showing.
- Closets. You make think closets make a great place to stash the clutter you remove from the rooms, but think again. Potential buyers usually open the cupboards and closets to get an idea of storage space. If you can barely push back the hangers, your closet is too full. Take some time to pare down the clothing so the hangers can easily move on the rods. Organize the non-hanging items- shoes, etc, to showcase the storage space. Continue this de-cluttering system for all cupboards, medicine cabinets, and the pantry as well.
- Furniture. Like we mentioned earlier, buyers don’t want to see how you’ve decorated; they want to project their own vision into the space to visualize if it will work for them. Having several comfy armchairs in the living room may work for you, however it may seem overwhelming to the buyer. Keep the furniture minimum, and situated to fit the layout of the room and to facilitate conversation.
When you’ve successfully transitioned out of one home and into another, you’ll want to protect the significant financial investment you just made.
Whether your buying a new home or content with your current living situation, the Byrnes Agency can provide you with comprehensive Connecticut Homeowners insurance policy at competitive pricing. Get a free immediate Homeowners quote — just click here, or call the Byrnes Agency location nearest to you.