Connecticut House-hunting: What Home Style is Right for You

You want to own your own home. House-hunting is a fantastic achievement and exciting time- however, as a home-buyer you need to know exactly what you want, starting with the housing style.
Factors such as where you live, your finances, affordability and practicality should factor in and cause you to consider other options.
Single-Family Housing. The most popular choice when it comes to family housing, this type of home is the most independent, with its own heating, plumbing systems and no attached walls. Research the area carefully though when considering finances. Single-family housing are often in planned communities with different conditions and restrictions or some areas may have additional fees to pay for local schools in the area.
The Duplex. This house shares one roof and wall (there can also be triplexes or duplexes). Some buyers decide to go for this style of housing as a business venture: they can live in one of the units and rent out others to help pay for their mortgage.
Townhouse. Similar to a duplex, a townhouse can have multiple shared walls, walkways and common areas.
Condominiums. Similar to apartment complexes, individual condos are often owned by the owner. Homeowners have an interest in common areas including halls, stairways, elevators, open areas, etc.
You want to pick the housing style that is right for you and your family’s lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a Connecticut condo, purchasing a house for the first time, or delving into a new business venture with a duplex, you want to make sure you get the best Connecticut Insurance possible. That’s where the Byrnes Agency comes in. Whatever housing style you choose, we can help you find the best homeowners coverage that works for you. Contact us today for more information.