Connecticut Personal Insurance: Achieve Your Resolutions

Connecticut Personal Insurance: Achieve Your Resolutions
It’s a new year and that means a fresh start. From many that means crafting a list of things they hope to do, or see, or change this coming year. But far too often many of us set loft, open ended goals for ourselves which is essentially just setting ourselves up for failure. According to a survey by StatisticsBrain, only about 8 percent of us stick to our resolutions throughout the year. Whether you have big plans for your work or personal life this year or smaller specific goals, here are a few tips to help you s et realistic objectives that you can achieve in 2015.
- Set SMART goals: When setting goals for the new year, or in general, it’s important that you are able to measure and monitor your progress. According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) SMART goals approach, individuals should attempt to make the goals as specific and achievable as possible. They also recommend utilizing time constraints as a motivator and progress measurement tool.
- Make it visual: It’s one thing to have a goal in your head that is intangible, but writing your goals down, posting them up on the fridge, the wall or even your social media profile will help solidify those goals and keep you accountable for them. Doing so also keeps those goals fresh in your mind as you will be reminded of them regularly.
- Don’t go it alone: There are a number of reasons we choose to keep our goals private, from embarrassment to fear of failure, however working with others who share your goals or can help you attain them only makes those goals more achievable. Whether your goals include professional assistance, like a personal trainer or life coach, or simple including loved ones and friends in a resolution, working with others will not only hold an individual accountable for their progress it will motivate them to keep striving.
- Celebrate your successes: Setting milestones is important when aspiring to make changes and achieve goals, and as such those miles stones become achievements which should be celebrated. Productively acknowledging and rewarding yourself for your accomplishments is one of the most healthy ways to keep yourself motivated and on track to keep your New Year’s resolutions.
- Don’t stop, don’t lost momentum: Inevitably there will be times when you may falter or fail at some of your goals or milestone, but that doesn’t mean that you should give up on your resolution. Failure is part of growth, and overcoming failure is a vital part of any personal growth, change and progress. Furthermore, once you have achieved your goals, set new one so that you don’t lose momentum and miss out on even greater opportunities.
At Byrnes Agency, we strive to help our clients achieve their goals and protect themselves and their assets along the way. We are one of the top Connecticut personal insurance providers, offering a unique and complete portfolio of insurance policies and solutions for our clients. To learn more about our CT Insurance Agency and all of our Connecticut personal insurance policies, Contact Us today at one of our convenient offices near you.
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Tags: connecticut, ct, Insurance, personal