Connecticut Personal Insurance: Effects of Financial Stress

Connecticut Personal Insurance: Effects of Financial Stress
We all struggle with financial difficulty at some point. Bills, college tuition, debt, loans, car payments, mortgages, retirement; at times financial demands can be incessant and overwhelming. And that stress can affect other aspects of our lives.
Money and finances is a pretty common source of stress. The 2011 APA Stress in America report found that of the eight top sources of stress, five were finance related (money, work, the economy, job stability and housing costs).
Financial stress can have adverse effects on the body. It can cause ulcers, high blood pressure, fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, depression and even strokes and heart attacks in extreme cases. And financial stress translates into higher health care costs, strained relationships and lower productivity in the workplace.
Debt can be a psychological burden as well. Stress and anxiety over debt can interfere with their ability to function at optimal, productive levels. One estimate found that people with debt problems are three times more likely to have mental health problems. This can have an effect not only in personal lives but in the workplace as well.
While some sources of stress are unavoidable, healthy lifestyle habits can help you combat them better. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and boost energy levels. Eating healthier foods can have the same effects. And getting enough sleep can leave you alert and better prepared to tackle the stresses of the day.
Making sure you and your family are protected financially in the event of an emergency can also help ease your anxiety. At the Byrnes Agency, we can help you with all your personal insurance needs. Whether you’ve just bought your first car, expanded your home, purchased that vacation home or boat for the family- whatever stage you’re at in life- you can depend on the Byrnes Agency and our staff to help protect your hard work. Contact us today for more information.
- Dayville Insurance Office
860-774-8549 - Norwich Insurance Office
860-886-5498 - Woodstock Insurance Office