CT Car Insurance: Driverless Car Debates Continue

CT Car Insurance: Driverless Car Debates Continue 
When it comes to the impending reality of driverless cars, motorists tend to fall into two categories about the Jetsonian future we might soon find ourselves growing accustom to: those who revel in the idea of automated transportation and those who are increasingly apprehensive about “too much” technology. From automakers to legislators, proponents of driverless vehicles consistently promise that these robotic vehicles will revolutionize the American commute, making the roads safer, insurance costs lower and motorists much more comfortable. Which is a sound argument and noble pursuit. However, many critics of these vehicles remain weary of the overall cost and impact that driverless vehicles will have both on and off the roads.
No new technology is without it’s faults, and many pundits of the proposed driverless car revolution have begun postulating about scenarios where driverless vehicles could encounter some unintended consequences and complications. Below are two of the most interesting critiques surrounding driverless vehicles.
Hacking and Hijacking– Possibly one of the most realistic and greatest concerns with driverless and robotic vehicles is their dependence upon electronics and digital systems which, historically, have a tendency to be temperamental and vulnerable at times. Some researchers have warned that the technology of autonomous vehicles could be hacked by criminals to override safety features or used by criminals to flee crime scenes with more ease and flexibility to obscure police pursuers. More alarmingly, a report in the Guardian asserted that FBI fears terrorists might try to hijack driverless cars and use them as weapons. Whether or not this it the FBI’s official stance on the subject remains unconfirmed, however the idea that computerize vehicles could be hijacked for illegal or destructive purposes is not a big stretch.
Strain on Police– Because these vehicles are supposed to reduce the number of driving infractions and mistakes that create hazardous road conditions, it is very likely that the number of traffic citations could dramatically decrease as a result of driverless vehicles. That’s a good thing, right? Yes, for drivers, but it could also have devastating impacts on the revenue stream for law enforcement operations. Many police departments across the country, especially smaller ones, often heavily rely on the income they gather from ticketing motorists to fund their operations. If self-driving cars are designed not to make highway mistakes, then tickets for running red lights and speeding could eventually become obsolete.
Until this technology becomes a reality, the impact that they will have on safety, insurance, and other issues remains unknown. Regardless of what you drive today or twenty years from know, it it imperative that you have the right Connecticut Auto Insurance policy to protect yourself and your assets. At Byrnes Agency, we provide individuals throughout Connecticut quality personal insurance solutions to protect against unforeseen damages, injuries, and losses. Our CT Car Insurance specialists can obtain the most affordable rates for the coverages that you need. To learn more about our operation and offerings, contact us today.
Tags: auto, car, connecticut, ct, Insurance