CT Home Insurance: Tips for Small Space Gardening

CT Home Insurance: Tips for Small Space Gardening 
Everyone needs a chance to stop and smell the roses, but for many folks living is small spaces gardening can be a daunting challenge or even seem impossible. Luckily there are dozens of ways that flora lovers can enjoy the beauty and atmospheric benefits a backyard garden can create even without the expansive backyard space. Here are a few tips complied from HGTV’s online resources to help bring the beauty of the great outdoors to small spaces.
- Plant selection is critical. There are thousands of plan varietals available to consumers, so choosing the right plants for a small space takes a little skill and knowhow. Always be sure to consider the mature size, shape, growth rate, light and moisture conditions needed and other growth factors. Many plant varieties come in dwarf sizes or slow growth varieties and these are often the best choices for planting in small spaces. For example dwarf variety citrus trees are not only beautiful, but can often thrive happily in a terracotta pot.
- Utilize your space. Creating a vertical wall garden, hanging plant baskets and window planter boxes are great ways to repurpose existing structural elements of your home and to introduce vegetation to without overwhelming a space. Compact and non-invasive wall climbing plants are also a great way to add a little green to a small space.
- Get creative with your containers. Plants don’t always have to grow out of the ground, and potting plants is one of the best ways to incorporate flowers and herbs into a small space. The pot’s don’t even have to be anything fancy, you can repurpose old containers, empty tins, metal waste baskets and many other household items as small and portable gardening containers. The trick is, to punch drainage holes in the bottom of the container to ensure proper water flow and prevent rusting and water pooling. You could even ad casters to the bottom of a metal trash can to create rolling planters that can easily be relocated or even brought indoors when temperatures dip.
- Group your plants. While your natural inclination may be to spread a few plants out across your small space, grouping plant containers together tightly is not only visually appealing, it can also benefit the plants too. The cluster will help create a more humid mini climate for the plants, reducing moisture loss from both leaves and potting mix, the experts say.
Beautifying your small space doesn’t have to take too much effort and can even bring additional value to your home. Just be sure to avoid unintended damage that can accompany a poorly executed garden. Mold, rotting and other structural damage can arise from improper planting, poor drainage and other mishaps, which can be costly to fix and cause challenges for homeowners and renters alike. If you’re stuck trying to figure out how to best utilize your small space, you can always consult a professional.
Homeowners throughout Connecticut continue to trust Byrnes Agency for all their personal insurance needs. Our CT home insurance policies are designed to protect our clients homes and families in the event of damage or liability exposures. We also offer renters insurance and condo insurance tailored to the unique needs of Connecticut residents. So contact our CT home insurance specialists today for more information about our exceptional coverage.
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Tags: comdo, connecticut, ct, Home, Homeowners, Insurance, Renters