Don’t Let Those Christmas Lights Turn into a Fire or Electrical Hazard!

Thanksgiving is over and the holidays are officially in full swing, which means it’s time to put up the tree, hang the ornaments, and plug in the lights. But while it’s a great time to get festive and get the family involved in helping to create a winter wonderland, it’s also a great time to remember fire and electrical safety.
Every year, fire departments around the country respond to 780 house fire calls that start with a simple spark. These sparks are related to Christmas lights that create a fire or electrical hazard because of improper placement, bad fuses, or faulty wiring—all highly preventable issues that can be avoided. Take a few minutes to go over our tips for a safe and successful holiday season, free of fire or electrical issues that could end up giving your house the wrong kind of glow.
Examine Your Homeowners Insurance
Before you break out the bulbs and hang the stockings, make sure to take time to review your current homeowners insurance plan. If you don’t have adequate homeowners insurance, it’s the perfect time—as well as imperative—to work with an insurance professional at the Byrnes Agency to make sure your home and everything inside it is covered.
Home fires do happen and something as simple as a faulty light strand can end up bringing the house down. Work with your carrier to get the right level of coverage or update your insurance to make sure you can decorate with peace of mind.
Outdoor Lights Belong Outdoors
If you plan on hanging lights outside, they need to be specially designed for the outdoors. Retailers online and in-store sell lights designed to handle harsh weather outside, while indoor lights could end up being damaged by snow or rain, and in turn create an electrical hazard.
Give Your Lights a Checkup
Before any lights are hung on your tree or above your porch, make sure they work properly. First, plug them in to see if all the lights turn on. If there is a section that’s not lighting up, unplug the strand and replace any broken bulbs. Also, make sure that you seek out any frayed wires or cords. If this is the case, it’s best to just toss them out.
Cutting the Cord
Speaking of cords, make sure your extension cords don’t end up overheating. Give your cords a look every day, just to look for any hot spots. If there are any areas on a strand that are hot, unplug the strand.
Also, make sure that any connector pieces are off the ground or floor. If the connector piece is left on the ground, any element like water, snow, rain or sleet can get into the plug, and in turn create a major hazard.
Turn Them Off
While it may give you a festive feeling to know your house is glowing throughout the night with colorful Christmas lights, it’s best to turn them off when you’re headed to bed. Not only will keeping them on add to your electricity bill during the month, but it will also inevitably heighten the chances for a fire. Make sure you unplug the lights and plug them back in when you’re up.
Don’t Overload the System
If you’re hanging lights, it’s important to string them out among multiple extensions. Each cord comes with a certain wattage rating and if the combined wattage rating exceeds your cord, it can end up overheating.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: Byrnes Agency, Christmas Lights, connecticut homeowners insurance, Holiday Decorating Safety Tips, Home, Home Insurance, home insurance CT, Homeowners, Homeowners Insurance, personal insurance