Fool-Proof Wine Bar Marketing Tactics

You stocked the shelves, purchased wine bar insurance, and put together a solid selection, but now you need people inside the venue. While you’d like word-of-mouth and general excitement to draw crowds, you require a bit more: a solid marketing plan that sells your concept and appeals to wine enthusiasts.
Wine Bar Marketing Tactics
Proprietors looking to drum up additional business should try the following marketing techniques.
Wine Bar Marketing Ideas
Businesses require a niche. Begin your marketing plan by focusing on those that live or work near your store. What do they like? What do they want? Center your offerings and promotions around those concepts.
If you live in a neighborhood of young professionals, they may enjoy an evening of wine tasting and networking. Connect with some of the companies in the vicinity to host a happy hour for up-and-comers who want to meet and greet and exchange numbers. You may also find groups that enjoy the sophisticated taste, seeking out an evening of your finest. Find out when they like to frequent and tap some of your more elite bottles for tasting.
Use your marketing information to create fun events that increase your store’s traffic, such as hosting educational talks or theme nights. Create a cross-promotional event with other local vendors, pairing your wines with regional cheeses and cured meats. Host an evening highlighting neighboring wineries. Work with restaurants to have dine-in five-course dinners, pairing each selection with a different showcased drink.
How To Promote a Wine Bar
Once you have your itinerary planned, use several methods to get the word out to the community. Contact local bloggers requesting an interview. These writers can encourage their followers to try your venue. In addition, rely on social media to spread the news about your upcoming events. Create accounts on several forums. Post often, letting others know about your wine tastings, happy hours, and classes. Showcase your atmosphere and products with enticing pictures. These free tactics reach large audiences and take only a short time.
Use email marketing with your current customer base. Send out notices about specials and occasions. Focus on what makes your wine bar unique and fun. Discuss your various selections and highlight your promotions. Gain interest from one, and you may find they bring one or two friends along.
Finally, consider offering wine of the month clubs. Buyers pay for selections upfront and have the pleasure of picking them up to stock their home shelves. This method consistently brings people back, and they may sit and enjoy a glass or two with the visit.
Raise your glass to the start of something promising. Pop open a bottle of your finest, celebrating your establishment. You are ready for this endeavor with wine bar insurance and a solid marketing plan.
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Tags: Byrnes Agency, Wine Bar