Home Inspection Basics for Prospective Homeowners

Just like going to the doctor or taking your car in for a tune-up, home inspections are nerve-racking for prospective homeowners. Preparing for unwanted surprises, high costs, and less-than-expected home value all play a factor in stress levels. What if the inspector discovers huge issues? What if you can’t buy the house because of significant complications? These are essential questions to consider when going through the home inspection process. To obtain homeowners insurance, like Dayville Homeowners Insurance provider Byrnes Agency’s policies, you’ll need a home inspection. So, to limit as much stress as possible, we’ve compiled a roundup of how to prepare for home inspection basics and what to expect.
What is a Home Inspection?
Let’s start with the basics. In closing a home sale, the buyer usually hires a home inspection to come to the property and perform a visual inspection. To comply with the state’s standards, the home inspector tries to find health, safety, or major mechanical flaws.
There are two inspections in a home sale: a buyer’s inspection and a seller’s inspection, also known as a pre-listing inspection. A buyer’s inspection takes place after the buyer has made an offer on the property before closing the sale. After a home inspection, the buyer may renegotiate their offer or request any repairs if specific issues arise.
A pre-listing inspection occurs before the home is listed. Some home sellers opt to get their home inspected as they are starting to prepare their house for sale. This is to fix any potential issues beforehand, saving them time in the closing process.
Who Attends an Inspection?
An inspection usually takes a few hours for an average-sized home. Anyone is allowed to attend the inspection. However, whoever arranges and schedules it should always remain present while the inspector is doing their job. This helps all interested parties see firsthand any potential issues and what needs fixing before a closing.
Most home inspectors provide answers to any questions homebuyers may have during an inspection, so it’s a good idea to attend the inspection with the professional and get an up-close look.
What Do Home Inspectors Look For?
Home inspectors have a thorough list of items to check in the home. They need to find any defects that may present unsafe living situations or devalue the house entirely. Some of the major things they look for include:
- Water damage
- Old/damaged roof
- Plumbing problems
- Issues with the HVAC system
- Structural issues
- Insect and pest infestation
- Damaged electrical systems
Home inspectors don’t look for some specific issues during their process. For instance, a home inspector is not concerned with anything cosmetic in a home unless it poses a safety issue. If there’s a water stain or large crack in the wall, they may report it, but they won’t report something like peeling wallpaper.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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