Homeowners Insurance: Halloween Safety Tips

Homeowners Insurance: Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is a fun time of year for many, adults and kids alike. Many adults enjoy decorating their home and making it extra spooky for visitors, but it’s important to remember that excited kids, sugar highs, and darkness can make for some unintentional hazards. Here are some Halloween safety tips to make your home safer for trick-or-treaters.
Eliminate obstacles. Make sure your front yard, walkway, and steps are swept and free of debris. Remove flowerpots or hoses that could cause people to trip in the dark. Consider using black lights or light strands to illuminate the path to the door. Christmas lights can be bought in many colors, including orange, purple, and blue, to keep an eerie effect with your decorations.
Avoid open flames. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the occurrence of fire increases around Halloween, partly due to the use of candles as decorations. Many stores and even pumpkin patches have battery powered “candles” available to put inside pumpkins and around your home.
Make sure scary gags are harmless. Having decorations that pop up and scare trick-or-treaters is common, and fun- just make sure that they’re safe. Opt for rubber decorations over anything made from wood or metal.
Keep pets secured. Even the friendliest of pets can be a handful when multiple people are coming to your door. You may have a child who is allergic or fearful of your pet, or your pet may even be frightened by a costume or loud noises coming from any Halloween decorations.
Homeowners throughout Connecticut and Southern New England look to the Byrnes Agency to protect their New London county home insurance in the event of damage or liability. We take pride in the fact that so many residents trust us with one of their most valuable assets, and because of this we take the time and care needed to make sure our customers understand the various options available to them.
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- Windham County / Dayville Insurance Office
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Tags: Connecticut Halloween safety tips, connecticut homeowners insurance, Halloween Safety Tips, home safety tips for Halloween, New London County, New London County Halloween Safety tips, New London County Homeowners Insurance