Household Tips for a Safe and Spooky Halloween

Halloween is already arriving around the corner, and as families are decorating their yards and figuring out what they want to dress up as this year a wide range of underlying risks are waiting to haunt them.
According to CNBC, on average, Halloween presents a 17-percent increase in homeowners insurance claims with items like theft and vandalism being major components of that rise. From doors being kicked in to mailboxes being knocked down, these claims and others like them bring an unwanted mess to the holiday.
Beyond dealing with pranksters and vandals during Halloween, homeowners can boost the safety and integrity of their homes and families by using some household tips.
Safety Tips for Your Trick-or-Treaters
Halloween safety for kids should start in the home. It’s important to remind your children going out trick-or-treating, whether with you or neighbors and friends, to walk, not run, while going from house to house. Sidewalks and walking paths should always be used and holding hands can help keep everyone together.
Also, teach children to stick close by to you or if going out with friends, to stay close to each other and in well-lit areas. These may seem like basic tips, but they go a long way when implemented at home first.
Light Up the Night…Safely
Halloween decorations always add to the ambiance of the season. Some people go for top marks by putting up elaborate decorations on their porches and front yards, and while this is fun to look at, it could present a number of hazards.
Lit candles, for instance, and overload electrical outlets should be discouraged, and this includes jack-o-lantern pumpkins. Consider opting for battery-lit candles or wrap string lights around your porch railings. For those with long driveways or walkways, it’s helpful to turn on any outdoor lighting so trick-or-treaters and their parents don’t run the risk of tripping. If something like this happens, they could turn around and file a claim against you as endangering their lives.
Local homeowners insurance providers, like household insurance services Norwich company Byrnes Agency, can help to provide the right level of protection for homeowners and keep liability claims limited.
Speaking of paths, be sure to help trick-or-treaters stay safe by clearing and debris or obstructions that could provide tripping hazards. Repair anything like loose porch railings or uneven walkway stones that can end up harming visitors in some way. Adding spooky decorations like cobwebs or mummies? Just make sure they don’t get in the way.
Fire Safety
If you plan on celebrating indoors by hosting a costume party, make sure to refrain from lighting candles or fires. While this can add some spooky ambience indoors, it’s not worth taking the chance of a fire breaking out. Take indoor safety a step further by double-checking smoke alarms to make sure they’re in good working condition.
For guests, make sure to keep all cords taped down or out of the way so no one has a slip, trip, and fall accident in your home.
Barking Orders
Pets can get in on the fun of Halloween by being dressed up and completing a certain look. But sometimes the family dog should be excluded if they don’t do well with strangers. Since Halloween literally opens the door to dozens of strangers walking up to your door, using caution and keeping your dogs in the backyard or back room may be the best option.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: Halloween, Halloween Safety Tips, Home, Home Insurance, home insurance CT, Homeowners Insurance, household insurance services Norwich company Byrnes Agency