How to Keep Your Apartment Safe During Your Summer Vacation

As summer continues to roll on, families and individuals across the country are gearing up for their final trips before a new school year starts up and busier schedules prevail. But before the car is loaded down or the plane tickets are purchased, it’s important to know the dangers of leaving your home and what it represents to intruders.
According to numbers from the FBI, there were an estimated 7.9 million property crimes in the United States in 2016. And while this showed a slight decrease over the previous two years, those statistics should still be alarming to anyone looking to protect their home.
The following tips can act as a checklist and help to minimize the risk of theft while increasing safety in your home while you’re away.
Lock All Doors and Windows
This may seem like a very basic move, but there are times when people forget the upstairs bathroom window needs to be locked or the backdoor needs to be double-checked. Make sure to check on all point of entry, no matter how small. Taking this precaution may not completely stop all intruders, especially those who are more determined to enter your home, but it will make it more difficult for them and could give your neighbors or apartment manager more time to contact the police.
Keep Your Insurance Up to Date
Having renters insurance can help provide the financial backstop you would need following the loss of items from your home. If someone breaks in, steals your belongings, and leaves you hung out to dry, local insurance plans, such as renters insurance CT, can provide the coverage needed to buy those items back.
Keep in touch with your Connecticut renters insurance provider as to what packages are right for you and what you need protected.
Hire Someone to Watch Your Place
Thanks to the Internet and apps, there are many different ways in which to find someone to occupy your home while you’re gone. You can choose sites like Airbnb to rent out the space while you’re gone or ask a friend, neighbor, or family member in your area to stay over. Even the appearance that someone’s home can deter burglars from attempting to enter your home.
Keep Valuables Hidden
Make sure that all windows and views are blocked from the outside as any glimpse, no matter how small, can lead to a possible break-in by someone who’s snuck a peek. Even if you forget to cover a window, you should also make sure to keep your valuables, such as jewelry, electronics, and heirlooms, completely out of sight. If you can, hide them in a safe or an enclosed room and avoid leaving anything out in plain view altogether.
Don’t Announce on Social Media
Apps like Facebook and Instagram are great ways to stay connected to others while you’re gone and show off where you’re going, but they can also lead to possible issues with break-ins. Don’t announce your travel plans via social media, especially if your profiles are public, as anyone who has the apps can use them to confirm that you’re away from your home and take it as an opportunity to steal from your residence.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
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Norwich, CT 06360
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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Tags: Apartment Safety, Apartment Security, personal insurance, Renters Insurance, renters insurance ct, Renters Insurance in Connecticut, renters insurance in CT, Vacation Safety