How To Prepare for Flooding

Flooding is a common natural disaster that has devastating consequences and it is something you should always prepare for. Floods occur due to heavy storms and overwhelmed water systems. They may appear with little to no warning and cause significant damage to buildings, outages, and transportation challenges. Severe flooding even poses a risk to your health and safety.
Flood insurance does not typically come with your regular homeowner’s policy. You must talk to your agent about your needs and purchase the right coverage to protect yourself from financial losses if a flood impacts you.
Being Prepared for a Flood
Preparation is the best course of action to deal with a flood and its aftermath. It is imperative to live in an area prone to flooding or severe weather.
Know your risk for flooding. Make a plan for your family to follow in the event of a flood. Give clear and precise instructions for everyone, so they know how to protect themselves and where to go. Designate someone to see your pet’s safety as well.
Practice your response. Learn the best evacuation routes and have a meet-up place established. Gather water and non-perishable supplies to have on hand if you are stuck in your home for several days. You should also safeguard your essential paperwork. Make digital copies and keep the originals in a waterproof box.
If a flood is imminent, follow these safety steps:
- Find shelter
- Move to higher ground
- Stay put
- Don’t attempt to drive, swim, or walk through floodwaters
- Stay off of bridges
- Follow any orders given to evacuate
Even six inches of moving water makes you lose your footing, and a foot of water can wash your vehicle away. Don’t take chances. Seek the safest shelter you can and follow directions given by the local authorities and rescue personnel.
How To Cover Yourself in Case of a Flood
Listen to the local authorities for evacuation orders when flood risk is present. Follow the given procedures and routes. When authorities do not tell you to evacuate, stay home and stay tuned to the local radio stations for updates and alerts.
If you were required to evacuate your home, only return when it’s safe. Wear protective gear during the clean-up process. Remember that mold growth could be present and cause problems for those with lung and immune conditions. Stay alert for animals, debris, and contamination. Turn off your electricity to avoid the risk of electrocution. Document the damage if possible to keep as a record for your flood insurance claim.
Floods are dangerous and destructive. The safety of you and your family should always come first. Follow the appropriate guidelines and act with caution. With some time and the help of your insurance, you can recover your losses and repair damages.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Phone: (860) 774-8549
394 Lake Rd
Dayville, CT 06241
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
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Phone: (860) 886-5498
6 Consumers Avenue
Norwich, CT 06360
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm