How to Safeguard Your Kitchen Against Accidents and Injuries

The kitchen is known as the nucleus of the house. Whether it’s a studio apartment or large five-bedroom sprawling family house, the kitchen is the hub of whoever’s is living there. It’s not just for eating and preparing food: it’s for entertaining people and gathering friends and family, making it a high-traffic room throughout any time of day of the week. That being said, it can also be a dangerous part of anyone’s household, presenting many different risks and opportunities for accidents and injuries to take place.
From cuts to bumps, slips to cooking accidents, the different liabilities that come with having a kitchen are various. According to the National Safety Council, about 2,700 people die every year because of house fires and other fires in their community, highlighting the importance of being safe in the kitchen. Consider the following tips for improved kitchen safety inside your home.
Keep Floors Clean and Clear
If you’re using the kitchen, you should be ready to clean messes as they occur and not allow spills to sit and create a slipping issue for others. Young children who prepare their own breakfast or snacks or even just walk through the kitchen should be taught how to properly wipe up and clean up messes as well as look out for them. Paper towels should be kept within reach and young children should never be allowed to handle harsh cleaning products that are toxic if consumed.
Get Insured
Having a comprehensive home insurance plan from a local provider, such as homeowners insurance CT options, is a great way to keep risk and liabilities low as well as keeping your house and loved ones safe. Connecticut homeowners insurance plans provide coverage for all aspects of your house, including kitchen fires and dishwasher issues and all the various risks that can present themselves inside the home.
Tuck Away Toxic Chemicals
Strong cleaners, including furniture polish, dishwasher soap, and other dangerous products, should be kept in a high cabinet out of sight and locked away. If some items are stored under the sink, invest in a child safety lock that locks itself automatically every time you close the cupboard.
Practice Kitchenware Safety
Knives, forks, scissors, and other sharp instruments that are used inside the kitchen should be kept in a locked drawer. Store sharp cutting appliances such as food processors out of reach within a locked cupboard.
Keep an Eye on Appliances
Kitchen appliances should be unplugged when they are not in use so children cannot turn them on. Electrical cords should also not be allowed to dangle where small children can reach and tug on them or get in the way of anyone’s footpath, in turn causing risk of slipping and falling.
Have a gas stove? Turn the dials firmly to the off opposition, and if they’re easy to remove, do so when you aren’t cooking so that children can’t turn the stove on on their own.
Control Poisoning
Poison control centers have reported a boost in poisonings caused by single-use laundry detergent packets and dishwasher packets. Even a small amount of concentrated gel or powder can cause very serious respiratory problems or eye irritation. Keep laundry packets and dishwasher packets away from children and do not permit young children to handle them.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: Accidents at Home, Home Insurance, home safety tips, Homeowners Insurance, Homeowners Insurance CT, Injuries at Home, Kitchen Safety Tips