How Your Age Affects Car Insurance Rates

There are many different variables that factor into your car insurance rates. From previous accidents to your driving record, one slight bump can have a domino effect down the line. But one variable which you have no control over can also end up touching on the price you pay every month: your age.
Age is one of the most important factors in determining local auto insurance premiums, such as coverage from Hartford car insurance providers. Exactly how much you’ll have to fork over every month, or six months, will largely be affected by your age range.
Here’s a better look at age groups and how they affect Hartford car insurance rates.
Teenage Drivers (and New Drivers)
Younger drivers are more prone to be in accidents, get speeding tickets or drive recklessly, so they are naturally pricier to protect on the road. The same goes for new drivers, no matter what age range they fall into. It’s inexperience here that is the major factor.
A 20-year-old driver will pay on average $1,129 per year for standard minimum liability coverage, but they’ll see that price drop to less than half of that, $552, by the time they hit 30 years old. As you can see, car insurance rates for young drivers comes at a higher premium.
Early 20’s
Hartford car insurance rates start dropping once someone enters their 20’s. But, this figure is also dependent on a variety of factors, including how long they’ve been driving and how well they’ve been driving over the years. In this bracket, ages 20 to 24, car insurance premiums will begin to decline, but only slowly.
Ages 25-65
Once someone hits their mid-twenties, they’re on the right path to better rates and better coverage. This is the age range at which Hartford car insurance companies offer cheaper premiums and give the go-ahead for car rental options. The price for a premium package drops to about $552, as mentioned above, but is still contingent upon a clean driving record.
From keeping safe on the road to staying around the speed limit, younger drivers still need to pay attention and be responsible behind the wheel. Rates are also dependent on what kind of car you drive and the number of miles that are put on it.
Senior Drivers
Aging doesn’t necessarily work in drivers’ favor as they get older. In fact, the pricing situation begins to reverse as they enter their senior years, past age 65. Car insurance premiums begin to rise slowly from that point on as senior drivers start to present another risk on the road.
It’s common for older drivers to experience things like impaired vision, especially at night. They could also be dealing with physical conditions such as arthritis or hearing impairment, all playing a role in how much they can expect to pay every month.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: Auto Insurance Price, New Drivers, senior drivers, Teen Drivers