How You’re Ruining Your Lawn: Pet Problems

As the last leg of our series on how you’re unknowingly ruining your lawn, we’re going to explore how letting your pet do his or her business throughout your yard is contributing to its demise. From over and underwatering to misusing products, there’s no shortage of ways to unintentionally kill your beautiful lawn. Therefore, use this guide as a way to inform yourself on how to properly maintain your yard. As a new homeowner, protect your investment with a Dayville Home Insurance policy.
Having a dog means having another member of the family. However, urination and defecation, combined with digging up plants, can have detrimental effects on your lawn. Here’s how to keep your yard and your pets happy.
Due to the high nitrogen content of canine urine, one of two things happen when dogs pee on the lawn. Either patches of grass grow more quickly and thickly from diluted urine with lower nitrogen levels, or they become brown and die off from urine with high concentrations of nitrogen, explains SF Gate.
To prevent this, consider training your dog to relieve himself on a specified area filled with mulch rather than grass, or take him on regularly walks so he can urinate in nearby parks or grass areas. Or, if your dog relieves himself in the backyard, consider splashing water on it soon after to dilute the nitrogen and prevent your grass from dying.
To prevent the same effects from happening after a bowel movement, consider the following:
- Pick up after your dog immediately.
- Solid waste has nitrogen but it takes longer to seep into the grass, so at least pick up after your pet a few times a week.
- Train your pet to defecate in one area of the lawn.
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Tags: Dayville Home Insurance, home insurance CT, home lawn care tips, lawn care tips, pets and your lawn, preventing lawn troubles