It’s True: You Can “Spring Clean” Your Business, Too

Even though summer is right around the corner, it’s not too late to get some spring cleaning done inside your business. Business owners can take this concept and transfer them to their company to look for ways to trim some fat and prepare for a busy summer season.
Business owners and entrepreneurs can use their own version of spring cleaning to freshen up their operations and look for ways to improve their operations while setting both long-term and short-term goals. Here are a number of ways in which you can spring clean your business.
Look at Your Marketing Plan
As your business grows and changes, you’ll more than likely discover that some of your marketing strategies aren’t as effective and impactful as they were before. Your business is also changing, so why not change up your marketing strategies to not only hold the attention of your current customers but also attract new customers and clients?
Your marketing plans need to keep up with your business as most small businesses change or move from their initial focus over time. Some ways to do this are to add more online content and create a more fleshed-out presence. From social media connectivity to producing blogs for your site to creating company newsletters to let customers be in the know, there are many ways in which your business can update its marketing outreach and set new goals.
Review Your Insurance Plan
Businesses operating without any type of business insurance should probably consider getting on top of that immediately. There are a number of risks that come with not having some type of insurance coverage, such as Connecticut business insurance options, or simply lacking the insurance you need on top of what you already have.
Small businesses are encountering a higher-than-normal amount of cyber attacks take place inside their operations, putting an emphasis on cyber liability plans. These Connecticut business insurance plans can help to financially provide for a business who has seen a financial loss of some type following a cyber attack. Not having this kind of insurance, for example, can sideline a small business or even cause them to shutter.
Go Over Invoices and Finances
Financial health inside a company is an essential component of any business plan. Effectively managing your credit and collections is an important part of your business’ outline, so it would help to review any outstanding invoices on a regular basis as well as looking at your accounts receivable, which can be done monthly.
Use an accounting system to run reports and look into every unpaid invoice for the year up to that point. This should give you a good outlook on the list of customers who still have outstanding invoices.
Review Service Agreements
Service agreements have been put on the backburner in recent years due to the automation of bill-pay. It’s important to not neglect service agreements with your vendors and suppliers as not staying informed on the fine print may supply some not-so-nice surprises in terms of what you owe or when it comes to certain discounts or promotional prices and fees.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: business insurance, Business Spring Cleaning, connecticut business insurance, Spring Cleaning