Landscaping Business Advice: Flexible Schedules

Landscaping Business Advice > Being Flexible
Part of being a successful landscaper is to work around your client’s schedules. However, at the end of the day, it’s still a business and scheduling needs to be done in a lucrative way. Flexibility is equally as important as making the most of your schedule to turn the greatest profit. In this final installment in our article series on starting a landscaping business, we’ll explain how to do just that. For more insights into landscaping business starting tips, such as setting your business up for year-round success, providing accurate estimates, and establishing fair prices, check out our other articles. Most importantly, protect your new business with a comprehensive Dayville Landscaping Insurance policy.
Clear a weekend day.
It doesn’t have to be every weekend, but one or two weekend days a month can be cleared to finish projects that might have been pushed back due to weather, sickness, or material issues. Offer incentives for your employees to pitch in on weekends if you’re short on help, or you can work the few weekend days into their existing schedules. This especially comes in handy around spring and fall when storms hit, pushing deadlines back.
Create a shareable digital calendar.
As soon as a request comes in, share it on your calendar. This way, employees can gear up for the day, plan the routes accordingly, and know what scope of work needs to be completed. The more efficient you are, the more jobs you’ll complete and the more money you’ll make.
According to Entrepreneur, in the early days of running your business, it’ll be easy to figure out where you need to be on any given day. But when the phone starts ringing, you may find yourself scrambling to coordinate jobs, and unless you have a good system for tracking those jobs, you could miss an appointment — and lose a customer. Therefore, you might want to invest in a software package designed especially for landscapers to help you track your business. Once you’ve entered data into these programs, you can print out a schedule for the day that you can carry with you in your vehicle.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we provide insurance solutions for businesses throughout Connecticut. Our insurance plans cover everything from employee protection to workers compensation insurance. If you’re starting your own business, contact our experts today to make sure you’ve got the right insurance to allow you to thrive. For more information, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: Dayville Landscaping Insurance, landscape busienss scheduling tips, landscaping business, landscaping tips