Most Effective Measures to Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Holidays

With December fast approaching, it is vital to keep your employees motivated during the holidays so business can continue. If your company has a board of directors, you have unique responsibilities operating your business. You need a diverse group of qualified members, clearly defined shareholder rights, D&O Insurance, and a team of employees invested in their jobs. Once autumn starts, the calendar presents a series of holidays.
Methods to Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Holidays
With so many events, celebrations and traditions on the agenda, your staff’s motivation can suffer. You must find ways to keep them motivated.
Keep Directors Happy With D&O Insurance
Start ensuring a positive, motivated team by focusing first on your board of directors. Communicate with members regularly, recognize their efforts, and give them opportunities to shine. Protect them against potential claims by investors, employees, customers, or others with Directors & Officers insurance.
How is directors and officers insurance different from professional liability coverage? While both policies safeguard against lawsuits, professional liability covers industry specialists. D&O Insurance covers officers, directors, and board members, regardless of their profession and expertise.
Communicate the Plan for Vacation Time
Before you are in the thick of the holiday chaos, have a staff meeting:
- Make your expectations transparent.
- Define when you are open and how many employees must be present on those days.
- Set deadlines for requesting time off and explain your policies.
- Let employees know you understand they have lives outside of their jobs.
Hire Temporary Staff to Provide Additional Coverage
Consider hiring people to compensate for increased client traffic. Many people look for temporary work to supplement their incomes during the holidays. Having extra workers during this time improves your customer service, relieves staff stress, and enables you to fulfill more time off requests.
Have a Holiday Celebration for Your Staff
Everyone can get overloaded during this busy time. Give your company something to look forward to by planning a festive event. Do not get stuck thinking you need to create an extravagant gala. Even a simple celebration allows employees to relax, bond with co-workers, and feel appreciated for their efforts. Whether you have a cookie-decorating party in the office, a formal event, or a potluck lunch, showing you value your staff makes a big difference in morale.
Make Taking Breaks a Priority
Remind your staff (and yourself) to take frequent breaks. Encourage them to step outside for a minute or grab a snack. Give them an afternoon off if they seem frazzled. Staying proactive about necessary rest can work wonders on your team’s motivation and perseverance.
Avoid Starting New Initiatives and Secure D&O Insurance
The holiday season creates many factors that divert your employees’ attention. It is best to steer clear of new policies, procedures, or systems during this time. Prevent potential problems for your board of directors by ensuring you have insurance that protects them from legal suits. You can have happy officers and employees by thinking ahead, getting D&O insurance coverage, and devising a strategy for holiday success.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.