As a young kid you spent hours collecting and playing with small Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels, dreaming of the day you’ll be the owner of one the classics you held in your hand. Now you’re living the dream and in the driver’s seat. Put the Byrnes Agency behind the wheel of your insurance protection.

Collector Car Insurance with the Byrnes Agency
Fine-Tune Coverage for Your Classic
Just as you know everything about your classic, antique, or collector car, at the Byrnes Agency, we know how to insure it. We understand that you take pride in your prized possession and that, like fine art, these cars tend to appreciate in value. We also know that you invested a lot of time and money in your passion. That’s why we provide specifically designed insurance programs for Classic & Collector Cars.
Broad Coverage, Affordable Price
Our Connecticut customers enjoy competitive rates, excellent service, and outstanding Classic & Collector Car program features, including:
- Agreed Value — You will be paid the full insured value of your classic car in the event of a loss
- Zero Deductible — No out-of-pocket cost
- High Liability Limits and Deductible Options
- Mileage Plans — Select the plan that fits your needs
- Automatic Coverage for Newly Acquired Vehicles — Up to a specified number of days
- Coverage for Vehicles In Restoration — Protect your car while it’s being restored
- Inflation Guard
- Towing & Labor
- And Other Key Features
Medical reimbursement coverage for insured injuries at auto shows and coverage for spare parts under comprehensive insurance is also available.
We work with top-tier insurance companies offering exceptional coverage and specialized claims expertise.

We’ve been in the insurance business for a long time. Let our staff show you what responsive service and real value are all about. Contact us today! We’re looking forward to it.