Deep pockets require extra protection, especially in today’s litigious environment. You’ve worked too hard to jeopardize your assets and your family’s wellbeing. One accident, one injury can change all that. Weather the storm with high-limit umbrella insurance from Byrnes.

High-Limit Umbrella Insurance with the Byrnes Agency
Going Beyond The Basics
At the Byrnes Agency, we specialize in insuring high-net-worth clients whose assets are significant enough to require an extra layer of protection in the event of a loss or accident. Even with a special Homeowners program, an Auto policy, Boat policy, and other personal insurance, the liability amounts on these policies still may not be adequate should you be found legally responsible for an accident or injury. A substantial judgment could diminish your portfolio of assets without a policy that supplements your basic policies with higher limits.
An Extra Layer of Protection
That policy is High-Limit Umbrella insurance. Most traditional Umbrella policies typically provide limits of between $1 to $5 million over and above the basic Homeowners and Auto policies. Some may even offer $10 million limits.
With a High-Limit Umbrella policy, you can obtain limits of up to $100 million.
How much coverage do you need? Our professional, experienced staff will review this with you. But typically, determining the amount of High-Limit Umbrella Liability coverage you need is based on the value of your assets plus a buffer to prevent future wage loss.

We’ve been in the insurance business for a long time. Let our staff show you what responsive service and real value are all about. Contact us today! We’re looking forward to it.