The Personal Insurance Policies Everyone Should Have

There are a few basic personal insurance policies that everyone should have in order to keep themselves safe and protected. Those in Hartford, Connecticut may be pleased to know that Byrnes Agency covers the beautiful city of Hartford with all of the most important policies. Buying insurance may be overwhelming for some, with all the many options available. To know what is actually necessary might be somewhat daunting. Here are the specific coverages that are truly needed.
Auto Insurance
Personal auto insurance is required not only in Hartford, CT but in the United States as a whole (though statewide policies may vary). It is a great policy to be prepared with living in the busy city. With Hartford being the state’s capital, there is always so much going on resulting in higher risks out on the road, and car insurance is a key policy to have ready. The two types of liability car insurance are bodily injury (which pays for the costs associated with the injuries of the other people involved) and property damage (which covers the damages you’ve caused to someone else’s property). Other common protection includes personal injury, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance. Ask your agent which ones would be the most needed your individual lifestyle in Hartford.
Homeowners/ Renters Insurance
If you own a home then you should most definitely acquire homeowners insurance. It is essential to protect your valuable and loved possessions from damage and theft. Ask your Hartford agent about additional insurance if a natural disaster were to take place. Depending on the type of home your live in and what sort of amenities you have, you may also need to add additional coverage or look into high-value homeowners insurance.
For the urban area of Hartford, renters insurance would be well worth the peace of mind that it provides to protect the items in your apartment. Just because you do not own your residence does not mean that you’re completely immune to any of the liabilities associated with your dwelling. We even offer a special variety of renters insurance for college students.
Life Insurance
An inevitable life passing will mean that family will have burial and mortuary costs. If the family’s primary breadwinner passes, life insurance is available to help offset the loss of income. Investing in this policy is essential for preparing your family’s future.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer auto insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you have an old classic car or a brand-new model, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Phone: (860) 774-8549
394 Lake Rd
Dayville, CT 06241
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Phone: (860) 886-5498
6 Consumers Avenue
Norwich, CT 06360
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Tags: CT life insurance, Hartford CT insurance, Homeowners Insurance, personal auto insurance, personal insurance, Renters Insurance