Preparing Your Vehicle for Fall

In our last series of posts, we covered the fundamental autumn checklist that every homeowner should complete. This time, we’re turning our attention to your other largest investment – your car. In Connecticut, when the temperatures begin to drop and the snow is upon us, your car is going to need a little extra TLC. Read on to discover the 4 important maintenance items that should be checked off your list to gear your vehicle up for fall and winter. Give yourself the peace of mind you need by carrying the best CT Auto Insurance policy, as well.
Tire inspection.
Now is the perfect time to analyze your tires’ tread. If it’s less than 1/8 inch, it’s time to replace them. Bald tires are not only unsafe, they minimize your gas mileage. If you want to buy year-round tires, make sure to invest in good ones. Contrarily, if you purchase winter tires, you’ll be more protected on the road in snow and heavy rains.
Fall is a good time to inspect your car battery, make sure the cables and terminals are snug, and retighten as necessary for good contact. If your connections are dirty or showing a lot of corrosion, disconnect and clean them with a wire brush or cleaning tool. Be aware that when you disconnect the battery, you may have to re-enter a security code in your radio or navigation system. If you have a sealed, maintenance-free battery with no removable caps, there’s little else you need to do. If your battery has removable caps, check the water level periodically, and refill with distilled water as needed, explains Consumer Reports.
Windshield wipers.
Snow and rain are coming quickly, so check your wiper blades now and replace them if necessary. Wipe blades down with a paper towel and glass cleaner to see if that improves their performance. If not, it may be time to buy new ones. The good news is that they’re relatively inexpensive.
Restore headlights.
Foggy headlights are a part of life, especially for vehicles that are typically parked outside. Restore your cloudy headlights with a kit (that costs about $20!) to improve visibility and safety.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer auto insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you have an old classic car or a brand-new model, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Norwich, CT 06360
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Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Tags: autumn car maintenance, Car Maintenance, CT auto insurance, CT car insurance, fall car maintenance