Preparing Your Vehicle for Fall: Tire Safety

Fall Vehicular Safety > Checking Your Tires
In our previous blog, we mentioned some of the most important ways to prepare your vehicle for fall. With plummeting temperatures and more roadside risks, now is the time to tend to your tires. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into tire safety and how you can ensure you get from point A to point B safely. Most importantly, protect yourself and your vehicle with a comprehensive CT Auto Insurance policy.
Prevent hydroplaning.
This time of year is common for hydroplaning and accidents. Especially after a dry spell, a thick sheet of water mixes with the grime and oil of the road and causes a slippery surface. To prevent this, ensure your tires have enough tread to handle the roads. As we mentioned in our last post, 1/8 of inch is not suitable for fall. Replace tires before the heavy rains starts to ensure safety.
Keep tire pressure up.
As temperatures drop, the tire pressure also drops. You need to work to keep tires properly inflated. Remember that every 10 degrees of outside temperature change leads to a 1 psi drop in tire inflation pressure. When your tires are not properly inflated, then you will have poor traction, increased skidding on slick roads and lessened control. A tire pressure monitoring system can help improve your chances of catching these changes before they create a problem, explains Fleet Answers.
Get tires inspected.
Whether you commute to school or work, or you drive long distances each day, it never hurts to get a thorough tire inspection. Knowing where you stand and ensuring your tires are safe to drive can save your life and prevent accidents on the road. Have your tire professional evaluate your tread and the pressure before leaving.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer auto insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you have an old classic car or a brand-new model, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: car insurance CT, car tire safety, CT auto insurance, fall vehicle safety, safe tire tread, tire pressure, tire safety for fall, tire tread, vehicle safety