Summer Safety for Your Condo Association

As a condo association, you want your residents to be safe at all times of the year. But summertime seems to come with its own safety issues as the heat rises and people are outside more. Because summer is a popular time to travel, many residents will be away from home at various times throughout the season on extended vacations or weekend getaways, or they’ll be indoors just relaxing and grilling.
No matter how your residents plan to spend their summer, it’s important to put safety first so everyone is happy and healthy. Here are some tips to follow to make sure everyone has a safe and fun summer in your condo association.
Watch Groups
As mentioned, your residents will be packing up for trips throughout the summer, leaving their homes empty and opening up the door, maybe literally, for intruders to come in. Reach out to your residents and invite them to be part of a residential watch group that can help keep an eye on how things are going. This group will help to keep a lookout in common areas and look for things like suspicious activity. If someone from the community is away, they should be encouraged to notify the watch group so extra attention is given to their home.
Pool and Grill Areas
According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), grill fires result in 10 deaths, 100 injuries, and $37 million in property loss each year. This factor should stress the importance of grill safety. In the event that a common area is set on fire or has some form of damage brought against it, having a comprehensive condo association insurance plan in place can help to alleviate the financial setback it may cause. Groups can work with a condo associations insurance agency to work out the best plan to protect their property through the summer and beyond.
When it comes to another popular summertime location, the pool area, there will need to be even more stress around your residents’ safety. It’s only natural to see an increase in summertime swimmers during the hotter months so make sure to update your rules and have them posted and clear. Enforce pool etiquette and food and drink policies, not to mention grilling rules, so that everyone is safe and accountable.
Play Areas
Kids will want to get their energy out after spending time in a classroom the previous nine months and their parents will encourage it. Condo associations can expect to see a high amount of activity in the community playgrounds. Playgrounds should be fun and safe areas where kids can play with their neighbors and their parents can spend time with other adults. With this in mind condo associations should consider removing dangerous equipment and installing more safety fixtures such as installing foam padding, removing S-hooks on swings and metal slides, and properly size openings to prevent kids from getting stuck.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: business insurance, Condo Association, Condo Association Insurance, Condo Association Safety, Condo Association Summer, summer safety