Taking a Closer Look at Campground Insurance Requirements

Campgrounds provide individuals, families, and groups with a great way to relax, unwind, and have fun. Though facilities vary in the amenities they offer, every business is exposed to numerous complex risks. Whether a campground offers just the basics or ancillary amenities such as swimming pools, golf courses, restaurants or boat rentals, business owners face potential legal ramifications and financial devastation if they fail to procure sufficient protection with CT campground insurance. This coverage must be tailored specifically for campgrounds and related businesses.
Campground Liabilities and Risks
More and more people are taking to the great outdoors. Research indicates that since 2014, the percentage of the U.S. population who go camping has increased by 22%, and there has been a 72% increase in the number of households who book a camping trip three or more times per year. This is good news for business owners, but this favored pastime’s increasing popularity means greater exposure to risks and liabilities. Not every location faces the same risks, but there are several that most locations have in common, including:
- Property damage
- Employee injury or illness
- Visitor injury
- Cybercrimes
- Commercial auto accidents
Beyond these universal exposures, facility owners need to consider their campground offerings and expand coverages based on additional risks. If your business has a playground or swimming pool, you’ll need additional protection. Likewise, if you set off fireworks during the year, have an on-site shop or restaurant, offer horseback riding, rent boats or host community events, basic business liability insurance will likely not cover your business for the risks you face from these specialized activities.
CT Campground Insurance Coverages
If you operate a campground, you need insurance from an outdoor insurance provider that is knowledgeable about your industry. An agent or broker who specializes in insurance for camping sites can work with you to make sure you have the right policy for your business. Examples of coverages include:
- General business liability: This type of insurance is imperative for every business owner. It covers medical costs, bodily injury and property damages, legal defense, and personal and advertising injury. General liability offers protection if a visitor is injured or their property is damaged while using your facilities, and the campground is held liable.
- Workers’ compensation: Connecticut requires businesses to carry workers compensation insurance if they employ one or more individuals. This coverage pays for employee medical bills and a percentage of lost wages should a staff member become injured or ill while performing on-the-job duties.
- Commercial auto insurance: Any vehicles used to conduct campground business must be covered with a commercial auto insurance policy.
- Liquor liability: If your facilities sell or serve alcohol, you need liquor liability insurance to protect your business in the event a claim is filed against you for bodily injury or property damage incurred after you served someone alcohol.
- Umbrella liability insurance: Regardless of what other types of coverages you carry, an umbrella policy is beneficial. It provides coverages when your other policies have reached their limits.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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United States
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