The Difference Between Site-Built and Manufactured Homes

Buying a home is an exciting event. For most people, this one purchase is perhaps the largest they will ever make, both in terms of monetary price and personal commitment. This decision, however, is not the end. It requires many other choices in an ever-narrowing set of variables. Would-be home buyers must decide where they want to live and what type of home they want—townhome, condo, single-family dwelling, or even manufactured homes. If they desire their own house with lawns, they must make another decision—used or new.
An advantage of new homes is buyers’ ability to customize them. For buyers who choose to purchase new homes, they must decide what type of home they want—site-built or manufactured. There is one big difference between manufactured homes and site-built houses, and the answer finally allows would-be purchasers to move ahead with making a purchase.
What Is Considered a Manufactured Home?
Manufactured homes are built in enclosed factory environments. These types of homes are built and put together in sections before being transported to the home site for installation. Manufactured homes are constructed with many standard building materials, and there are advantages to this type of house, including:
- Construction is not subject to delays from the weather.
- Building standards must pass inspections.
- Manufacturers buy materials in bulk, which keeps costs affordable.
Manufactured homes can be customized, and they come in a variety of sizes. Owners also can purchase specialized Dayville manufactured home insurance.
What Is Considered a Site-Built Home?
Houses that are constructed on the final site where they will permanently sit are called site-built homes. With this type of construction, all materials used to build the structure are brought to the site. Unlike manufactured homes, materials for site-built homes are bought for each project in specific amounts. Transporting these items takes time and expertise, and these two factors are a big reason why site-built homes cost more than double per square foot than manufactured dwellings.
A Hybrid Construction Type
Industry insiders sometimes refer to a third type of new home called a modular house. This type of dwelling combines aspects of both manufactured and site-built homes. Modular houses can be transported to the final dwelling sites fully completed or in sections, and modular houses are easily customizable.
Covering Home Risks
No matter what type of home buyers eventually choose, they need proper coverage to protect their investments and sanctuaries. Should damage or disasters occur, good coverage, whether for site-built houses or Dayville manufactured home insurance, helps repairs get done quicker and with fewer problems so life can settle down again. Comprehensive policies from insurance professionals often protect more than just the dwelling. They can cover attached structures, outbuildings, some belongings, and medical bills for guests who are injured on the owners’ properties.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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