Traveling for the Holidays? Make Sure You Stay Safe on the Roads

We’re less than a week away from Thanksgiving! Now that the holiday season has arrived, you’re probably thinking about your potential travel plans, and this likely includes some traveling. Whether you’re driving several hours to spend time with family or braving the roads for last minute gifts, it’s important to make sure that you’re ready for holiday season driving, with things like heavy traffic and poor weather potentially adding to the risks. These simple, yet important tips will help make your holiday a safe and happy experience!
Vehicle Maintenance
Make sure to fully inspect your vehicle before leaving the driveway. Begin with checking that all your lights are in good working condition, tires are properly inflated, windshield wipers are working, and there is enough wiper fluid. If you have a long road ahead, keep an extra bottle of wiper fluid in the trunk, just in case.
Avoid Fatigue
Make sure you get a full night’s sleep before departing on any major trips. Sleep deprivation can negatively impact your motor skills, slowing down your reaction time. Stay well-rested and alert at all times while driving, especially during extended periods of time. If you notice your concentration slipping, take a break, grab a coffee, and get out to stretch. When travelling long distances, it is advised that drivers take turns. If this is not an option, consider spending an evening in a hotel to keep up your energy throughout the trip.
Be Prepared
With winter weather comes an unfortunate increase in vehicle emergencies. These could come in the form of an accident, a dead battery or a vehicle stuck in the snow. When situations like these occur, it’s best to be prepared. Travel with a fully-stocked emergency roadside kit in your vehicle at all times.
Be sure to plan your route. If you’re venturing out on a road trip be proactive and plan ahead, checking local traffic and weather reports. Know your route and arm yourself with a map or GPS in case you get off track.
If your just taking a trip to find the family tree or a holiday shopping excursion, remember that the roads will be full of people doing the same thing, and they’ll all be in a hurry. Leave earlier than you need to not only to help alleviate the hustle and bustle during the holidays.
Better Safe Than Sorry
If you’re going to be driving after holiday parties, don’t drink and drive. This is the season for many festive family and company gatherings and if you think you might be tempted to let loose with a couple alcoholic beverages, plan ahead with a designated driver or take an Uber.
If you’re going to be doing any driving at all this season, make sure your Connecticut Auto Insurance is up-to-date and prepared to cover you against anything that could happen. The holidays can be stressful enough. You don’t need the added stress of a costly claim!
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer auto insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you have an old classic car or a brand-new model, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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Tags: auto, Auto Insurance, car, Car Insurance, Connecticut auto insurance, Holiday Driving, winter driving safety