What to do When Someone Falls on Your Property

When someone falls on your property, it could create numerous issues that you must prepare for to avoid liability. As a business owner, there are many events you hope will never affect your business — litigation, insurance claims, and on-site injuries, for example. Unfortunately, all three of these events may emerge simultaneously if a person falls when they are on your property. Countless people fall and get hurt every day, so preparing for this possibility at your business is essential.
Things To Do When Someone Falls on Your Property
Suppose you’re unsure how to handle a fall on your property. In that case, you can start by reviewing your general liability insurance and following these four steps after someone falls on your property.
File a General Liability Insurance Claim
A fall will almost definitely necessitate a claim with your general liability insurer. Filing a claim is never a fun process, but it can shield you from the liability you would face if you didn’t have an insurance policy. Following the fall, you should reach out to your business insurance agent to tell them about what happened and relay as much detail as possible. If there are photos or an incident report, you should also forward these documents to your insurer.
File an Incident Report
An incident report is essential to your response after a fall happens on your property. You should already have an established protocol for recording incident reports, but now is the time to create one if you don’t. An effective incident report will contain several key features, such as a narrative description of the event, the time, date, location, and the follow-up action you took. Documenting this information immediately after the fall can sometimes minimize your liability.
Get Medical Assistance
Of course, if the person who fell has sustained an injury, it’s essential to get them medical care as soon as possible. You may have to transport them to an urgent care or emergency room facility if you need to. You must also record the medical treatment details so that the victim can receive reimbursement for their expenses. If you can get medical files from the provider, you should also submit these to your insurer.
Review Your General Liability Insurance
Nothing is worse than encountering a liability and realizing that your general liability insurance doesn’t cover it. Too many business owners find themselves in this situation when they skimp on coverage or opt for the minimum required policy. If a person falls on your property and decides to pursue litigation, will your business be able to offer a settlement? Will you be able to cover medical expenses? If the answer is no, you need to consider upgrading your insurance before an accident like a fall happens.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for personal policies or commercial coverage, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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