Why Snow Plow Companies Need Specialized Coverage

With Commercial Auto insurance for your company trucks and plows, you may be covered for theft, vandalism, damage to the plow, damage to the vehicle, or damage to other vehicles and property that are involved in a collision event. However, commercial auto coverage is not designed to protect you against General Liability claims and more specialized risks, and if the plow was not already included in your policy, your Connecticut insurance agent needs to know that the value of your property has increased.
Do you run a snow plow business? Here’s what you need to know about your insurance.
Does General Liability cover snow/ice-related claims?
Not unless your company is exclusively devoted to snow/ice management, and you purchased business insurance for this specific purpose. Most snow removal contractors practice another kind of work during warmer months. This means their policies are not designed to address the added risks of operating plow equipment in stormy conditions.
If someone falls in a parking lot you cleared, or if someone slips on a patch of ice created by the runoff of snow you piled, you may be liable. It is important to note that your landscaper’s insurance policy will not apply. Instead, you need to have a specific endorsement added for “completed operations” coverage.
When it comes to plowing snow, the biggest risk doesn’t come from the job itself. The most common claims come from individuals stating that they fell and injured themselves after the job has already been done, and then seeking compensation.
Different Types of Snow Plow Insurance
There are different amounts of protection available too. Recommended coverages could include:
The types and levels of insurance you need will depend on when, where, and how often you work. For instance, do you plow residential surfaces or parking lots versus public streets and roads? If you run a large operation, you may want to think about your liability limits. Consider if it make sense to set separate limits for large jobs and individual contracts. Your best bet is to discuss all the variables with a Connecticut insurance agent.
Do I need to insure a crew that uses their own trucks?
It is in your best interest to require that your subcontractors provide proof of insurance and that their liability limits be at least equal to your limits. Ask them to give you a copy of their insurance policy. Have a contract in place with your subcontractors that includes indemnification language and an obligation that you be named as an additional insured on a primary basis under their policy. Be sure to check for proof of this when you request a copy of their policy.
If you have employees removing snow with you, you need to be sure you carry the appropriate Connecticut workers’ compensation insurance.
About Byrnes Agency
At Byrnes Agency, we offer auto insurance solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you have an old classic car or a brand-new model, we have the right coverage for you. To learn more about our products, contact us today at one of our two locations.
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394 Lake Rd
Dayville, CT 06241
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Phone: (860) 886-5498
6 Consumers Avenue
Norwich, CT 06360
United States
Hours of Operation: Monday- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Tags: Connecticut Business Auto Insurance, Connecticut Insurance, Connecticut Insurance Agent, general liability, Snow Plow, Snow Plow Insurance, Workers' Compensation Insurance