How Are Winters Storms Affecting Connecticut Homeowners?

Yet another storm is expected to approach New England this weekend to add to the already significant snowpack which meteorologists say is not going anywhere in the near future. Temperatures in Connecticut are expected to stay between 15 and 20 degrees over the next week, winds will be gusting at up to 30 miles per hours and more snow fall is likely. These chilly temps and winter storms are causing a number of complications across New England and the Northeast, including business closures, transportation interruptions and other complications for Connecticut residents.
As much of the east coast is well aware, recent winter storms have been knocking out heat, power and communications services to homes and businesses creating a myriad of complications and loss exposures. Heavy snowfall and extreme cold has immobilized some of the largest cities in the Northeast. The persistence of these conditions can be quite dangerous and have devastating effects on Connecticut communities and homeowners. Some property owners have already suffered property damages, which may or may not be covered under their CT home insurance policy, due to the heavy snowpack and windy conditions. Many more property owners fear possible flooding and water damage when the snow finally begins to thaw. Auto damage has also been a problem due to poor road conditions. However property damage is not the major concern authorities are warning about when it comes to severe winter storms.
Dangerously low temperatures, strong winds, ice, frost, sleet and freezing rain can also lead to injuries, illness and fatalities. The National Weather Service refers to winter storms as the “Deceptive Killers” because most casualties are indirectly related to the actual weather events. Instead these conditions simply spark secondary complications such as traffic accidents on icy roads and of hypothermia from prolonged exposure to cold. The American Red Cross and FEMA are reminding homeowners to exercise caution during winter storms and plan ahead when you know a storm is coming to avoid supply shortages. Officials are also reminding anyone going out in the storm to know the signs and symptoms of frost bite and hypothermia which can occur from exposure to cold weather and exacerbated by the windy conditions.
It is important to be prepared for winter weather before it strikes, but it is never to late to protect yourself and your assets. At Byrnes Agency, we strive to help homeowners throughout Connecticut and Southern New England protect what matters to them most and avoid losses. We take the time and care needed to make sure our customers understand the various personal insurance coverage options available to them. Our CT Homeowners Insurance specialists can help Connecticut homeowners secure property and liability coverage that will weather any storm to come. To learn more about our insurance solutions for Connecticut homeowners, condo owners and apartment dwellers. Contact us today at an office near you.
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Tags: connecticut, ct, Home, Homeowners, Insurance, storm